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Dual Degree

Developing Undergraduate Dual Degree Programs with International Partner Universities

Academic departments interested in developing 2+2 or dual degree programs at the undergraduate level for international students from a partnering university should review the following items and work with the Office of Undergraduate Studies (UGS) and the Office for Global Engagement (OGE) to develop the program.


  • Students complete the first two years of their undergraduate degree at the partnering institution and transition to the U as transfer students.
  • After completion of the undergraduate requirements for the degree at the U, the U will issue a transcript indicating the degree earned at the U with the applicable transfer credits as the University does for all transfer students. The transcript does not indicate a dual degree. It is at the discretion of the partnering institution to award its degree in addition to the degree from the U.


  1. OGE provides a template dual-degree agreement, which outlines the basic concepts and requirements for students from partner universities to transfer to the University of Utah to earn a degree from both the partner university and the University of Utah. Faculty/deans interested in developing a dual-degree agreement must schedule an appointment with Randy McCrillis, Senior International Officer, in OGE to discuss the development of this type of partnership.
  1. The agreement template requires an addendum outlining the course articulation between the partner university and the University of Utah for General Education and major requirements. A separate addendum is required for each department participating in the dual-degree program with a specific partner university. Therefore, the University may have one dual-degree agreement with a partner university that includes several addenda outlining course articulation for several majors. The agreement cannot be finalized without completion of the course articulation for at least one major.
  1. For General Education courses, faculty must work with the Office of Undergraduate Studies (UGS) to determine course equivalencies. Generally, at higher education institutions outside of the U.S., students take classes in their major only and do not complete general education requirements or have fewer to complete. UGS may recommend the following options:
    • Major specific courses at the partnering institution may fulfill general education requirements; for example, if students have to complete X course as part of their major, it could be evaluated to see if it can fulfill the general education requirement after evaluation by UGS. General Education courses do not have to be a one-to-one match to courses offered at the partnering institution.
    • U faculty could teach General Education courses at the partnering institution to the students who will transfer to the U either via distance education or by faculty traveling to the partnering institution. If the classes are offered in face-to-face instruction, they could be taught during the equivalent of a summer break and an intensive format or shorter duration than a full semester.
    • The partner university may provide General Education courses taught by its faculty to the cohort of students planning to transfer to the U. In this situation, UGS and U faculty would provide oversight to ensure course content matches required courses at the U.
  2. Faculty in each department develop a course equivalency list for the major courses.
  1. After the course articulation has been completed and approved by Undergraduate Studies and the department, the agreement is provided to the Admissions Office and the Credits and Admissions Committee as an informational item.
  1. The final step, after presentation to Credits and Admissions, is to have two originals signed by the appropriate officials at the partner institution and by the Dean of the College and the Chief Global Officer at the University of Utah. Other signatures may be added if requested. OGE facilitates this process.
  1. If the University of Utah does not already have an executed MOU with the partner institution, this institutional umbrella document must also be prepared and signed. All institutional MOUs are signed by the University of Utah President.

Additional Information

To begin the process of developing a dual degree program, please contact Randy McCrillis, Senior International Officer, at or 801.587.8888.