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COVID-19 International Travel Restrictions

Effective March 12, 2020, the University of Utah has suspended all university travel, and is requiring all travelers currently abroad to make immediate travel arrangements to return stateside.

This includes:

  • All students participating in university-affiliated student programs abroad
  • All university-affiliated student travel in international locations
  • All employee travelers currently abroad

*Note that the University Asia Campus remains open and operational, and any student travelers currently abroad participating in UAC programs are exempt from this travel suspension.

All University of Utah travelers abroad should make arrangements at this time to return home. Please note that U students and employees do not have the option of remaining abroad under university sponsorship. University staff in departments coordinating international student programs will be in touch with students abroad to provide additional guidance and assistance, and all students and employees are expected to remain in communication with their respective university units.

The university messaging sent out to all university travelers in locations abroad on March 12, 2020, can be found here.