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Home Winter Olympics Sustainability Research Alliance Sustainable Infrastructure and Planning

Sustainable Infrastructure and Planning

  • Sustainable Infrastructures: Ensuring the construction of energy-efficient buildings and infrastructure, using sustainable materials and designing multipurpose venues for sustainable use by the community during and after the games.
  • Sustainable Planning: Integrating sustainability into all aspects of planning, from transportation to waste management, ad involving local communicates in the decision-making processes. This can include decentralized productions using 3D printers to reduce transportation costs and environmental impact or developing the value chain for intermediate vehicles to support sustainable transportation solutions.
  • Local Climate Impact: Conducting environmental impact assessments, implementing green building practices, and promoting sustainable tourism to limit the alteration of local climate conditions due to the influx of visitors and construction activities.
  • Population flux: Managing the large influx of athletes, spectators, and media by ensuring efficient transportation, providing adequate housing, and managing crowd flow to prevent congestion and maintain safety.
  • Sustainable History, Memory, and Heritage: Study and comparative analysis on the history and memory of sport between the South PACA region and Utah. Identify traces, archives, testimonies and heritage stories, propose a common reflection, consider the promotion of these stories in connection with questions of preservation and the environment.
  • Weather Forecasting: Deploying advanced meteorological equipment, providing real-time weather updates, and developing contingency plans for adverse weather conditions for planning and safety during the games.

Winter Olympics Sustainability Research Alliance

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